Gartocharn Primary School
Gatocharn Primary School has approximately 85 children aged from 4 to 12 years who are taught in four composite classes. The school aims to create a safe and happy environment which allows all pupils to achieve their full potential. This is achieved through the broad and balanced Curriculum for Excellence, taking account of the needs and abilities of each individual pupil, and allowing them to develop at their own rate intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally.
The School is situated on the edge of the village. The present building was constructed in 1968 and has four classrooms, a large gymnasium which also serves as the school hall, dining room and general purposes room as the occasion and activity warrant. The school kitchen, in which all meals are cooked, is attached to the dining area.
For more detailed information and HMIE reports please look at their website or contact the school direct:
Gartocharn Primary School
Ross Loan, Gartocharn, Alexandria, G83 8NE
Telephone: 01389 773970